New Word Explosion

Asher now says "eat," “watch,” “clock,” “little,” “cookie,” "monster," "Cookie Monster," “Elmo,” “Elmo, la, la, la!” (which means "I want to see the Elmo song on YouTube"), “hippo,” “seal,” “whale,” “chips,” “yellow,” "blue," “purple” (though he does not correctly identify yellow, blue, or purple),  “snow,” “pow,” “pluggie,” "read," “blankie,” “pick up,” “tools,” “apple,” “pickle,” “butterfly,” “bee,” “moon,” “moo,” "baaa," "cluck," "honk," "peep," “oink,” “pig,” "fish," “juice,” "peeking," "peek-a-boo," "mine,"and “honey cake” (which is a honey flavored rice cake). He also runs around the house (when he’s feeling well) shouting "Gone cuckoo! Gone cuckoo!" in a sing-song voice. Today he said to my dad, "Papa gone cuckoo!" Perhaps my favorite new word is his plaintive "Why?"

That is approximately 45 new words in three weeks. Brains are neat.

4 Responses to “New Word Explosion”

  • dizzyburner
    February 26, 2009 at 12:23 am

    GOOOoooOOOOnnn KUU Koo!!!



  • samayam
    February 26, 2009 at 10:36 am

    All the preschoolers yell “HI!” at me when I come in the room. Recently all of them, including Asher have switched to “Hello!” They also usually yell out to me all the foods on their plates and “Plate!” to me. And they’ve started calling me by name instead of Dada.

    His big, unrestrained smile is the best. Followed by his big, unrestrained pout.


  • nonosays
    February 26, 2009 at 11:47 am

    “Perhaps my favorite new word is his plaintive “Why?”

    I’m guessing that this felling won’t last long 🙂


  • kittiliscious
    February 26, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    Word explosion indeed! I look forward to having some verbal exchange with him soon. 🙂


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