Old Treasure: Cinderella

Front Cover Cinderella

This 6 1/2 inch by 8 1/4 inch copy of Cinderella has been mine for as long as I can remember. I think it belonged to my father before me. It’s a Wonder Books edition retold by Evelyn Andreas with illustrations by Ruth Ives, copyright 1954. The title page and inside front cover are decorated with “letters” drawn in blue ballpoint ink—probably they are my handiwork, but possibly my father’s.

She Did Her Best to Make Them Beautiful

I can remember poring over this book for hours as a girl. I was fascinated by the rich, velvety illustrations, which were different from the prevailing and still ubiquitous Disney Cinderella images. I used to wonder what exactly made the stepsisters look ugly.

"I am you fairy godmother."

Also, I used to try to decide who was more beautiful—Cinderella or her fairy godmother, with her green chiffon gown and tiny ankles. The fairy’s yellow hair and wings were captivating.

The Mice Became Six Prancing White Horses

Even the horses were beautiful, and I was a big fan of horses—especially magical white ones.

Magnificent Ballgown of Golden Silk

But the piece de resistance, to my young heart, was the golden gown of silk that Cinderella wore. She is so glamorous and dainty.

At the Ball

Of course, the Prince falls madly in love with her, forsaking all of his other guests at the ball. “Indeed, Cinderella and the Prince were the handsomest couple on the dance floor. And the Prince never left Cinderella’s side.”

The Clock Struck Midnight

Cinderella flees at the first note of twelve midnight, but it is too late. The coach, footmen, and horses vanish and she walks home alone. (The little rock was holding the book open for me.)

The Prince himself goes door to door looking for his beloved, and although they try, Cinderella’s stepsisters cannot fit the sole glass slipper Cinderella had left behind on the palace steps. Cinderella shyly asks to try the slipper on. I am glad she asks for herself.

Happily Ever After

I used to gaze at this illustration a lot, too. The page begins with “A great wedding was held.” Why don’t we get to see the wedding, I wondered. How genteel that they are dining in the woods, except—they have no food. They are completely absorbed in each other. This was what “happily ever after” meant to me.

The inside back cover advertises over 150 wonderful Wonder Books, with washable covers and “new, long-life binding.” The binding on my book holding up pretty well; the spine is broken, however, and I can see the stitching. The book’s price when new was 29¢. I think whoever bought this book would be pleased. We got our money’s worth, I think.

10 Responses to “Old Treasure: Cinderella”

  • Kelly
    July 7, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    I had this book as well…I believe it belonged to all of my older siblings before it was handed down to me. It made it to child number seven and child number eight in pretty good condition…I cherished the book, but even more so I cherished when my older sisters and brothers would read it to me.


  • Sara
    July 9, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    Now that’s just too coincidental! 🙂 Isn’t it wonderful that we can have such fond memories of reading/enjoying a book from our childhood? I’ll be sharing a few more gems like this …


  • Beth
    February 24, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    I am so happy to have found your entry…lovely book!

    I loved this book too… the story is charming and I thought the dress was amazing! I have only the cover which I restored with Photoshop and posted on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eoskins/5472090563/

    You will be very pleased to know there IS a picture of the wedding as well as a few other pictures! Evidently Wonder Books also published Cinderella in a 1954 Big Treasure Books edition. There are more Ruth Ives’ drwaing not our Wonder Book. Here is Barb’s website with the whole layout – Cinderella: http://bjtanke.com/Cinderella%201954/index.htm

    Barb also has the Wonder Book of Sleeping Beauty illustrated by Ruth Ives. I had completely forgotten about this book until I saw it on her site! Sleeping Beauty: http://bjtanke.com/Sleeping%20Beauty/index.htm

    Thank you for sharing you childhood memories ~


  • Sara
    February 25, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    Hi Beth, I’m so glad you shared these links with me! I greatly enjoyed the Sleeping Beauty illustrations. They are so sumptuous!


  • Rebecca Harte
    May 22, 2012 at 1:55 am

    Hi Beth!
    So pleased to find your site! This was my mist favorite childhood book of ALL TIME!!
    I still have my copy although the binding is broken, it is otherwise in excellent condition.
    I can’t tell you how many times in my life thoughts of this book has comforted me!
    Finally at 49 years old I met my handsome prince,and the last three years have been AMAZING!
    Fairy tales do come true and I recently came across my copy of this most treasured friend!


    • Sara
      June 12, 2012 at 4:59 pm

      Hi Rebecca, thanks for your comment. Glad to know you loved this Cinderella book as much as I did. How wonderful that you found your book again! Best wishes!


  • julia
    October 8, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    I too, had this book as a little girl and never forgot the beauty of it’s illustrations. It wasn’t until the advent of the Internet that I was able to see it just as I remembered, almost 50 years later.


    • Sara
      October 9, 2012 at 10:23 am

      Hi Julia, I’m glad you found it again online. It’s so enchanting. Thanks for stopping by here!


  • Sarah Jane Yoho
    May 12, 2013 at 6:51 pm

    how I loved this book! I never forgot that gold dress, have been trying to find a copy of the book for several years now, with no luck. I return to 10 years of age whenever I see the book online, what wonderful memories. I would love to pass my memories onto my children and grand children.


  • Tracy Murray
    May 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I loved my book & looked at it for hours & years & then it was lost. The beautiful pictures, nothing else like it. Thank you also for the website to view the whole book.


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