
A few weeks ago, my boys and I went up to S. Lake Tahoe to the “cabin” with some friends—foseelovechild and grlfury. It was Ian’s birthday and I had a tiny window of time to play. Before we left for Tahoe, my family reported that a bear had recently visited the cabin and was persistent enough to break a window and get in. It seems to have been attracted by the ice cream in the freezer. It ate a bunch of food and left a stain on the carpet, but otherwise did no harm apart from the busted window.

Our mini-vacation was awesome—so relaxing. We were all thrilled to be with our lovely friends. (We don’t see them often enough.) Lucas had an audience who hadn’t yet seen ALL of his tricks. We played games, ate good food, relaxed and watched shows, walked through the woods collecting pine cones and heart-shaped yellow leaves, and climbed some giant rocks. (The megara is still there, in case you were wondering.) The aspens(?) were turning to lovely pale yellows.

We also tromped on Saturday all the way down to Vikingsholm from the highway above Emerald Bay. It was a beautiful day for a mile-long walk, and Lucas did pretty good on the way down the hill. (Daddy manfully carried him back up the hill on his shoulders. Together they cleverly turned rocks into trees and trees into rocks along the way with a magic wand that someone had carelessly left in the road!) While we were at the bottom, near the bay, we explored the outside of the house and peeked into the windows; it had closed for the season the previous day. Lucas played in the sand at the water’s edge. Foseelovechild almost got a drink from some partying lake-cruisers.

So, we figured that the bear’s recent visit to the cabin would be the most exciting thing to happen there for a while. But on Saturday evening, a big wind storm blew up. While we were preparing dinner and setting the table we heard a huge thud. Those of us who couldn’t immediately see Lucas feared the worst ( —a fall from the second floor balcony). Fortunately for us all, it was just a falling tree. Fortunately for me, I could see Lucas on the second step of the stairway, and didn’t experience the momentary panic of “where’s the baby?!” So, yeah. A tree fell and sheered off the deck railing outside the cabin, narrowly missing the house. Some damage, not much. It was an exciting noise though, and an exciting wind storm.

So, even though this wonderful weekend is past, I think about the walks with friends, the sun and the wind, the magnificent view, Ian opening birthday presents, and the smile on my son’s face as he scrabbled and clambered over the granite boulders. I’m glad I have pictures. And I’m grateful for the escape.

2 Responses to “Tahoe”

  • foseelovechild
    October 21, 2005 at 10:50 am

    It was a great time and we needed so badly to get away. Thank you for the adventure and the bear and the falling conjoined twin tree, and the hiking, and the pictures, and the birthday, and the eating, and the everything.

    It felt so good to hike!


  • Kymberly Omernik
    April 20, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    Very good post. I definitely love this site. Stick with it!


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    Thanks for visiting! I’m Sara, editor and writer, wife to Ian, and mother of two precious boys. I am living each day to the fullest and with as much grace, creativity, and patience as I can muster. This is where I write about living, loving, and engaging fully in family life and the world around me. I let my hair down here. I learn new skills here. I strive to be a better human being here. And I tell the truth.

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