Anniversary: 24 Hours Alone with My Honey

We gave away our son at 12:30 pm on Saturday. We did not go and retrieve him until 12:30 pm on Sunday. That means Ian and I had 24 hours alone together. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time that happened.

We spent some time in old Folsom, crawling through jam-packed antique stores, jewelry stores, art galleries and other places that would be VERY RISKY to enter with Lucas in tow. We felt so grown up. The day was beautiful and we were liberated. We sat at a gallery café and talked without anyone blowing bubbles in a drink, kicking our chairs, complaining about wanting some other snack, or spilling. We also wandered around Capital Nursery for a while and didn’t have to chase down a runnaway boy.

Then we dressed up and went to dinner at Il Fornaio in Roseville, which happily honored a gift certificate dated November 8, 2000. We ordered carefully to stay to our $50 limit, but also to overreach it just a tad, so we could tip the server with our credit card. $53.79 and we even had dessert. The meal was great and we ate fresh-baked bread.

Then, we used the two free movie passes that have been stuck to our fridge for I don’t know how long. We saw The DaVinci Code. It was exciting to see a film at the theater. My high heels were a little uncomfortable and we were definitely overdressed, but it was totally fun. The movie was good/entertaining—not fabulous. I thought it was very cool to watch Ian McKellan—larger-than-life Ian McKellan—go on and on about how the Goddess was deliberately shut out of religious thought by the church and women were systematically burned and suppressed and excluded from religion. (Whether you like the book or not, you gotta appreciate how Dan Brown has brought to mainstream attention the concept of the Goddess, that religion is a man-made phenomenon, and that people in power manipulate the truth—especially the “truth” about God. I think it’s fabulous that there are people in an uproar about this film, even though the film’s ending was different from the book’s.) And I enjoyed the portrayal of Silas by Paul Bettany very much, and Jean Reno always rocks. Audrey Tautou was good, too. … Actually, that reminds me: Our very first date together (Ian’s and mine—I’ve never dated Audrey) was The Last Temptation of Christ. The year, 1988.

After the film, we came home and the rest is censored. Suffice it to say it was a sleep-in morning, with delightfully sophomoric conversation and coffee. Lovely.

Thanks, sweetheart. I love going on dates with you. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. I did.

P.S. And thanks for planting my new canna lilies and day lily!

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    Thanks for visiting! I’m Sara, editor and writer, wife to Ian, and mother of two precious boys. I am living each day to the fullest and with as much grace, creativity, and patience as I can muster. This is where I write about living, loving, and engaging fully in family life and the world around me. I let my hair down here. I learn new skills here. I strive to be a better human being here. And I tell the truth.

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