Résumé Sent!
Spent a ton of time adding recent experience to my out-of-date résumé. Then I gave it to my friend, Dakini_grl to slash the hell out of it, which she did with great wisdom and discretion. Out with the old! Thank you, Dakini!
It’s kinda funny. I guess with regard to my résumé I was still mentally operating as though I were still just starting out, when every job I ever touched seemed crucial and relevant. Funny how we fall into patterns. I am not just starting out. In fact, I’ve been able to make a solid living doing what I do on my own, and within my own values and the parameters of my family life for 4.5 years now. And dammit, that’s no small thing. And Ian kindly pointed out to me that I’ve lost exactly nothing if this opportunity doesn’t come through. Thanks, honey.
February 1, 2008 at 5:06 pm
you’ve done better than 80% of all self employed people.
You are amazing.
February 1, 2008 at 8:37 pm
So glad I could help! Love you.