Notes from ICU
I feel much better today. Since around 2 I’ve been breathing better, smiling and talking more. Mom, Ian, Mario, and Brittany came to see me. Brittany got me a second flange for my breast pump so I can pump both breasts at once. I’m trying to get my milk to come in. It dried up when I got so sick. Kellie came by tonight too.
Mary, my day nurse, watched me improve throughout the day. She’s been very encouraged, as has Ursula. We moved my uncomfortable IVs. We gave me a sponge bath tonight. Ursula let me use her bath salts and lavender spray. Last night she was changing my diapers! She told me they might let me go home tomorrow, but probably not. They want to see how long it takes to get my blood to stop flowing [I think this is related to the blood thinning drug they gave me]. She also said the OB doctor had thought it would be very likely that they’d have to give me a hysterectomy because of the severity of the infection. It sounds like the OB doc is not thinking along those lines now.
I got to eat broth, water, jello, and grape juice. I feel less parched but still very thirsty with dry mouth and a sore throat.
Asher went to see Dr. Felix today. He got his first check up. He looks good and healthy, Ian says.