Adventures in Carbs

We Wilsons all went to Apple Hill yesterday to see what there was to see and get the hell out of town. (That was my dearest wish for our anniversary: to see something NEW.) We went to Cameron Park and ate mediocre sandwiches and good ice cream cones. The we drove to Camino and visited the Jack Russell brewery and hung out on their lawn in the hills with sunshine and evergreens all around. (Nice place. You should go there sometime.) Then we hit Boa Vista Orchards’ market and bought FRUIT.

apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, strawberries, plums
and a frozen apple pie

I’m still in my I-can-eat-anything-I-want-because-I’m-nursing-and-I-almost-died-and-it’s-my-birthday/anniversary mode, but it’s definitely catching up with me. Damn! So hard to say no to summer fruits!

2 Responses to “Adventures in Carbs”

  • mickibean
    June 4, 2007 at 2:59 pm

    You KNOW i’m gonna pipe in on this one!! heh! Girl, eat fruit! Those are good carbs:) Obviously 10 peaches a day might be bit much, but for gods sake…I will no longer feel guilty about anything that falls from a tree:) Or is picked:) Love you…I am jealous of your berries…hee that sounds funny!


  • matimus
    June 4, 2007 at 4:33 pm

    I love the Jack Russell Brewery! If you can stand the Apple Hill crowds in the fall, it’s very lovely that time of year (and the fact that their beer is good doesn’t hurt).


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