
It’s been exactly three months since Ian and I started our Atkins dieting. We are very pleased with our results! We have both reached our weight goals, we feel terrific, and we’re putting our skinny clothes to use again! Ian’s lost 26 pounds and I’ve lost 21. Bye bye, baby weight! It has been wonderful being able to work on this together and to have each other to lean on when in the presence of … say … cookies or beer. Ian has been cooking marvelous low-carb meals since we started and neither of us has felt deprived. We both went off our diets twice—on Christmas day and on Valentine’s Day—but managed to get right back to it. We enjoy Atkins bars for dessert in the evenings after the kiddos go to bed.

We’re turning our goals now toward increasing our activity levels. I’m considering signing up for some personal training sessions at the gym, which I pay every month and never (lately) use. How come breaking good habits is so easy but building them is so damned hard?

But anyway, here’s to success! 

3 Responses to “Success”

  • amaniellen
    March 1, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    fantastic!! Brava!


  • tshuma
    March 1, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    That’s wonderful! I’m not doing nearly as well on my plan, but I’ve also been notably slackerish about it since we got so sick earlier.

    Go you for setting realistic but aggressive goals and meeting them.


  • dakini_grl
    March 2, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    AWESOME! And all while caring for your beautiful family and generally being rock stars. I know what hard work it is, and I applaud you and Ian both. xo


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