Asking for a Raise Is Hard

Remember those three books about the Middle East I’ve been copyediting lately? Well, I finished Lebanon on Friday, just in the nick of time to make it to NoNo’s graduation. 

Today, I received an offer to work on another title from the same publisher. I wrote back and asked for more money. I thanked the editor for the project offer and explained I do have time in my schedule and would like to take it on. I then told her my normal hourly rate, reminded her of my excellent and reliable service, experience, and timeliness, and said I hoped I could continue taking on their projects on a regular basis. I took a gamble in asking for this raise. I don’t exactly have offers of work coming out my ears right now. My “busy season” hasn’t started yet and I have big ol’ bills to pay.

Here’s hoping my gamble pays off.

One Response to “Asking for a Raise Is Hard”

  • t8bloom
    May 27, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Well done – make it happen! There’s no better time to ask for a raise than now. Stick to your guns and charge what you’re worth!


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