Thank you, Friends

Thank you for the reassurance and loving, supportive comments on my last post about my dad’s heart surgery. It was helpful reading about your various experiences with scary stuff like this. I suppose heart surgery is a somewhat common thing; I’ve just never had to deal with it before. And, like I said, it’s my Dad, ya know? So I am worried but I will gradually process all of this. It sounds like the surgery won’t happen for a couple more months. Hopefully my parents will go on their vacation and have a wonderful time. I plan on spending lots of time with them, as usual, in the intervening months. I plan on learning as much as I can about the procedure and Dad’s specific case and then I plan on praying. A lot.

One Response to “Thank you, Friends”

  • kimkimkaree
    July 5, 2008 at 5:01 pm

    I’m catching up on LJ today. I’m so sorry you’re all going through this. Like Dakini, I am happily thrilled by your dad’s disposition of carpe diem. I’m not always sure who I’m praying to, but I promise to pray for you and your dad, sarabellae. I love you, and if you ever need to talk I’m here. xoxox


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