Happy Birthday to a Prince Charming

Dear Flonkbob,

Happy birthday my friend! We met in 1994, I think, after I returned from Scotland. Little did I know when I got roped into becoming a death clerk that I’d find one of my best friends in the person of a body-snatching computer genius with five kids. You were crazy then. I suspect you’re still crazy now, but in a happier way. I am privileged to know you and call you my friend. I hope Cali is agreeing with you better than WA. And I hope you have a wonderful, exciting, pain-free birthday surrounded by friends, a little whiskey, and your lovely wife. 


2 Responses to “Happy Birthday to a Prince Charming”

  • flonkbob
    July 9, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Was it really so long ago? I guess it was a previous lifetime. The day I decided to answer the post at ARC asking for a Body Snatcher was probably the biggest turning point in the history of points of turning.

    I’m very happy crazy (crazy happy?) now, and happier than you can guess to be back in Cal. Nothing is worse than living among foul vermin sloppily disguised as humans when you know just a few hours south is the real thing.

    I don’t think all the meds will cooperate with Whiskey tonight, but everything else is a go! : )


  • sarabellae
    July 9, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    Yes, it was several previous lifetimes ago. You had small kids. I didn’t. You were on marriage 1.0. I wasn’t yet. Things have been getting better steadily for both of us since then, I think.

    I know you tend to excel in just about every line of work you put your hand to, but body snatching was a dumb thing to be good at. Don’t do it again. K? I promise I’ll never be a death clerk again.

    Love you.


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