Schedule Changes Are Going Well

The lazy days of summer are done. With school starting, we are all experiencing a significant change in our schedules, namely, we’re all waking up a lot earlier. Normally, this is not the type of thing that would please me, as I love my sleep more than anything and I frankly don’t get enough of it. But I’m trying really, really hard to be positive about this change—because earlier mornings are the price I must pay for more time alone.
We’ve now reached the end of week 1. Lucas is really enjoying his class and speaks with enthusiasm about his days. He comes home talking about German class and Spanish class and Handwork. He is not too crazy about after school care (called “nap group”), which I’ve placed him in three days a week. But I think he’ll soon get used to it and enjoy the extra time he’ll get to play with friends in an unstructured way. One of the boys Lucas idolizes is in nap group, so I think he’ll come to love those extra hours at school on the play yard with him.
Last night, we went out with my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend, Courtney, to celebrate the end of the first week. Lucas got to pick the restaurant and chose Chevy’s. We had some yummy margaritas along with our meals. Asher gobbled the salsa.
This morning, I popped awake at 6:20 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. Amazing. Lucas was up by 7, despite his late-night celebrating.
I can hardly believe it, but the mom (Vicky) of one of Lucas’s classmates (Ryan) has offered to take Lucas home to her house one afternoon a week. She has nothing but wonderful things to say about Lucas so far, and seems to enjoy having him over. She says he’s polite, respectful, and easy for Ryan to get along with. She’s doing this to save me some money and help me out. It’s wonderful!

So, for posterity’s sake:

Lucas goes to school 8:10 a.m. to 1:20 p.m., MF
On M/W/F he goes to after school care until 3:30 p.m.
On Tuesdays, grandma VoVo picks him up from school at 1:20 p.m. and takes him to her house.
On Thursdays, Vicky take Lucas home with her and Ryan until … 4 or 5 p.m.

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    Our children attend Waldorf school and we are enriching our home and family life with plenty of Waldorf-inspired festivals, crafts, and stories.

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