Bedtime Drama

Monday, July 18, 2005

“Mama, tomorrow I will cry all day. When the sun comes up I will cry and the sun will cry. When I cry, the sun cries. When I cry, the moon cries. When I cry, the earth cries. And when I cry, the water cries.”
–after 45 minutes of bedtime protest crying on 7/18/05. (The first time we have had this kind of bedtime tantrum display in probably more than a year.)

Many deep breaths later, after I returned to work in the office, the crying began again. Then, we heard gagging sounds. Ian went into Lucas’s bedroom and found Lucas in his crib sticking his fingers down his throat, trying to make himself throw up.

Ian threatened to take Baby Tidoo away if Lucas made himself throw up. More deep breaths were breathed.

It’s now 9:48 and quiet. It’s 1 hour and 18 minutes since we first put Lucas to bed. Oh my word! Are we in trouble!

3 Responses to “Bedtime Drama”

  • kimkimkaree
    December 31, 1969 at 5:00 pm


  • kimkimkaree
    September 1, 2005 at 1:48 pm

    Well look at it this way, he’s goal oriented a real go-getter.


  • flonkbob
    September 1, 2005 at 5:51 pm

    No, you’re not in trouble. You’re parents. You just have to determine that YOU WILL WIN. Every time, every single time. If you give in once you have to fight the same battle at least 10 times again just to get to where you started. Let him cry, scream, and mope. It’s good for him to lose now and then. And he’ll learn, eventually. How log it will take is dependent on how stubborn he is by nature. But even if he could out-stubborn a mule you have to agree in advance that Mom and Dad always win!


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