There is a deliciously long list of fantastic things in my life lately. And because I have a moment or two, I’m savoring them. What’s not to feel grateful for?
~ Hosting friends for a kid-friendly St. Patrick’s Day party, complete with my first from-scratch lamb stew. Yum!
~ Cleaning our home for this party. A party is the best reason to clean.
~ Reveling in a surprisingly work-free weekend, when I expected to have to buckle down.
~ Watching my boys play with total concentration with their “cousins,” who are so very dear to us all. They are so comfortable with each other.
~ Observing how these children are all growing, growing, growing in myriad beautiful ways.
~ Brunching with friends most of Sunday, complete with a skip out to a nail salon with my girlfriends for a pedicure and pink/purple iridescent polish. First one in … years. So luxurious and fun.
~ Inquiring into the health of parents, backs, workouts and …
~ Listening, witnessing, offering friendship and support.
~ Having enough home-raised eggs to give some away.
~ Choosing the prudent path of getting home before it was too late to ready ourselves for a busy, exciting week. It’s a little sad when the fun ends, but letting go feels good, too.
~ Studying spelling words (Norse god names) with my son, who it going to nail them, I think.
~ Preparing for Lucas’s special week of one-on-one time with the Waldorf school’s farmer. Five extra-early mornings to greet and care for the animals of the school farm—a rare opportunity for any child.
~ Realizing that it’s OK that all the rain boots are still wet on the insides from Friday’s splashing and galloping in rain puddles. It was worth it.
~ Painting for an hour or so in my home until the daylight fled and I could no longer see the colors well enough to continue.
~ Eating a simple, delicious, fulfilling dinner with my tired, happy family.
~ Getting everyone in bed early to rest up for Monday and the early alarm.
~ Signing up for my first plein air painting workshop next month—at an iris farm, no less. SQUEE!
~ Thinking—hard—about getting more exercise. Yes, I’m slowly warming up to the idea. Mustn’t rush these things.
~ Noticing buds on my lilac, tons of new growth on my clematis vine, morning glory seedlings popping up, and growth on my new-this-year irises.
~ Balancing our many social opportunities with our need for downtime, hopefully in the right proportions, for the next few weeks.
~ Feeling excited and grateful that Lucas got the part he wanted in the fourth-grade play. It’s so wonderful to see him reach for something and catch it!
~ Rejoicing to see my little guy’s imagination blossom with Leprechauns and sweet mischief. “Shhh! Mama, do you hear the Leprechaun laughing? I think he’s over there, under the couch.”
~ Loving my husband more and more every day.