O Frabjous Day!

Bravely, the second graders march onto the field.

Twelfth graders perform a play featuring the angel Michael and Satan. Satan's jealousy leads him to trade castles and he ends up outsmarted!

In the play, Archangel Michael is safe in his beautiful castle of ice.

What is that thunderous sound? What is coming to menace the village?

St. Michael faces down the dragon of fear and darkness, which was created and puppeted by the sixth graders.
The second graders, lead here by Lucas, surround the interloping dragon with the help of the twelfth graders. Together, they tame the dragon and usher him away from the people.

"So rested he by the Tumtum tree, and stood awhile in thought."

My beamish boy. The proud warrior is pleased with his day's work.