Today was the first day of Advent. When I was a kid we used to observe Advent with the wreath and candles and daily prayers. Haven’t done it in many years. My last memory of doing the Advent observance with my family was in our old house on Rolling Green Way. (We moved from there to Winding Way when I was 13).
The Bennetts have always had an Advent observance because it’s part of the Waldorf education holidays. They hosted a gathering tonight. The kids made paper chains to help count down the days to Christmas. And then they told a story about Mother Mary looking for help in weaving the swaddling for the Christ baby she was expecting. Then they lit the first Advent candle. So, we sang a little song and had a little Hestia libation.
Tonight, we did our own (short) observance at home too. It will likely evolve a little as we practice.