A Little Gardening to Start the Season

Lucas, Asher and I put some plants in the ground late yesterday afternoon. We were pleasantly surprised to find Farmer Steve selling biodynamically, organically correct tomato plants at school during pickup. I bought three tomato plants for $3; two are Brandywines and the other’s name I don’t remember. We stuck them into the spots where we’ve been growing Sungolds successfully for the past two years.

I also planted a Euonymus Silver King and a Raphiolepsis Indica Rosea ("Pink Lady"). I have one more each of these to plant. I also have charming mandevilla that has been waiting an excruciating length of time to go into the ground (a gift from NoNo), and a Hot Cocoa rose to plant. Yesterday, our new Purple Robe Locust tree was delivered; I’ll definitely need Ian’s help with that one. I cannot lift the pot myself. Finally, we have three little sunflowers that my brother grew from seed. They are getting spindly from stretching to reach the window.

I am looking forward to a lot of work and party stuff being done and out of the way because I can’t put in our vegetable garden until then.

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