A Lovely Evening

A word to the wise: When Kimkimkaree calls you on the phone and says, “What night this week can I come over and cook you dinner? I have this friend I’d like you to meet,” you respond affirmatively, “Any night!” or “Today!”

Last night the lovely Lady K showed up with an Atkins-friendly meal and two charming friends: our darling Dakini-grl and Kerry from Ireland. It was a wonderful meal and delightful company. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet Kerry, since I was unable to attend the Faces dance party last week or to stay long at Dakini’s place last Sunday after he arrived. We enjoyed talking about travel, hair, kids, Ireland, our childhoods, etc. He was friendly and warm to Lucas, who, underneath his shyness, liked Kerry very much.

Meeting Kerry really makes me want to hit the road again. It’s been so long since we traveled–twelve years since we were out of the country learning new stuff about other people.

Can’t wait to see him again. Thanks Kimkim!

One Response to “A Lovely Evening”

  • kimkimkaree
    January 26, 2006 at 3:03 pm

    Thank you for having us! I want him to know everyone and we’ve been lucky making the rounds. He’s schmitten with all my friends. I’m glad you liked the meat. I’ll make an effort to bring more around for my carnivorous friends as everyone has been so good about my veganism.


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