Adventures in Pee, AKA Urine Town Fair Oaks
Today may be the most successful potty day Asher’s ever had. Since 2 a.m. this morning he has had only one wet diaper. All the other times he’s peed in the potty. I think since around 9 p.m. last night, there have been only two wet diapers.
Lucas is doing well with “pee-free nights.” Since we started working on having him stay dry at night (and stopped using pull-ups) sometime in May, he’s had about 32 pee-free nights. We recently had a run of like 5 to 7 nights in a row with no wetting. He gets stickers for staying dry, and when he collects a predetermined number of stickers, he gets a new toy. He likes being successful and working toward a goal that gets him stuff.
It’s all about pee in this house these days.
July 12, 2007 at 11:35 am
Honestly, isn’t that what it’s all about for everyone?… No? Oh, um…hmm…
July 12, 2007 at 4:18 pm
I am unlikely to be able to get the image of Winston Churchill sitting on a totty potty out of my mental catalog. The boy looks so happy, so serious, and so much like ol’ Winston.
July 12, 2007 at 7:52 pm
Oh my god I love this picture!! You go Asher! xoxo Good job, S.