An Outing with Daddy
Ian is the best daddy in the whole wide world.
Ian and Lucas rode the lightrail downtown. The phrase “Next stop, Swanston” is apparently extremely hilarious to both of them now. Then they tromped in the rain through the mall and under the freeway into Old Sacramento. Ian carried Lucas at least part of the way. They discussed what “brisk” meant. They went to the Railroad Museum and looked at big trains. Then they played for a long time with the Thomas the Tank Engine trains on the table. (The Railroad Museum has the best track layout for free train play anywhere in Sacramento!) At the gift shop, they bought a new train picture book, The Train They Call the City of New Orleans, by Steve Goodman, and they bought a new toy train named Harvey. Harvey has a cool arm with a magnet on it for lifting and loading freight! Then they ate lunch at Fanny Ann’s and came back home on the lightrail. They took a good nap together and were up and playing with Harvey when I arrived home at 5:45 pm.
While we prepared dinner, Ian and Lucas made lemonade from scratch with lemons we picked from Papa’s yard. Daddy provided Lucas with latex gloves to wear to make sure no lemon juice got into Lucas’s cut. They combined ingredients, tasted, and then altered the formula until they had perfect lemonade to drink with dinner.
Daddy’s the best!
December 31, 1969 at 5:00 pm
March 6, 2006 at 11:35 pm
I love having a fan club!
March 8, 2006 at 6:33 pm
The three of you are just so beautiful…