And the Good Karma Award Goes to Me

A couple of days ago I received a check in the mail from Cengage Learning. Sounds like one of my textbook clients, right? Nope. Never heard of them. The check has a vendor number and a charming amount of $472.75. It sports invoice numbers and descriptions that I’ve never seen or heard of before: “Century 21 Accounting.”

So I called Cengage Learning. I got transferred. I was on hold. I got transferred again. Eventually, I spoke with a nice woman named Laurie, who eventually figured out that there is another Sara Wilson in Ohio who also is a freelance editor. I got the other Sara’s payment for some accounting book that she worked on. 

Turns out I’m in the AP computer system because I’ve worked for one (or more?) of their imprints before. The check cutter person just picked Sara E. Wilson instead of Sara Wilson out of a drop down menu.

Laurie was embarrassed. I joked with her, “‘Course, it’s nice of you guys to send me a pretty check like this.” She shyly asked if I would return it. I will return the check today. 

I had one request though: I asked Laurie if she would please let Sara Wilson in Ohio know that Sara Wilson in California is lookin’ out for her.

One Response to “And the Good Karma Award Goes to Me”

  • frosteee
    March 6, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    You’re such a good person, I am honored to be so close to such a beautiful soul.


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