ARTICLE IDEAS: Shop Talk (already pitched to Darlena)


1. Babetta's Yarn and Gifts, Fair Oaks, on San Juan Ave. LOVELY yarn and fiber arts store. Bigger than Rumplestiltskin downtown, locally owned. Owner Babetta works in the shop. They do classes, etc.
2. Snyder's House of Jade, Sutter Street, Folsom. Antique and new oriental furnishings, oriental jewelry with emphasis on jade. Owner operated, I believe. I think the owners travel to Asia often.
3. Grand Illusions, Fair Oaks Blvd, Carmichael. Magic shop, costumes to rent or buy. All types of tricks for beginner to advanced magicians. Owner operated. A family business.
4. Sunshine on Sutter Street, Sutter Street, Folsom. Gift shop, garden, indoor/outdoor art and decorative housewares, nicknacks, silk flowers, candles, etc. Some baby gifts, fancy handbags, etc.
5. Into the Light, Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights. New Age shop with assorted crystals, candles, books, music, essential oils, jewelery. They do Reiki and various types of readings. Too weird??
Darlena says:
“Thanks for the ideas. I've contracted with Dayna Dunteman to do shop talk as part of her style package, but I can have her write a different story once in awhile, leaving shop talk free for you.”

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