Baby Building Update

Twenty-nine weeks, three days and counting. According to the book, baby now weighs 2.7 pounds and his “crown to rump” length is 10.4 inches. Total baby length is 16.7 inches. My total weight gain is supposed to be between 19 and 25 pounds by now. I think I’m on the low end of that range. Technically speaking, this baby is now viable and could survive (with medical help) if he were born now. So, that’s a nice thing to know.

All is well, as far as I can tell. I’m wondering, at what meal did I swallow a set of bongo drums and a batting cage? Somehow I don’t remember doing that, but judging by the thumping, bumping, bashing, and jiving going on in there, it must have happened. Basically, he only seldomly shuts up. I can now watch my bump bouncing around.

And yes, he does wake me up when he decides it’s time to boogy at 4 am.

One Response to “Baby Building Update”

  • smallberries
    November 22, 2006 at 6:54 pm

    Heh, I got a lot of giggles out of this post.


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