Baby Sun
This happened a few days ago. It was evening and we offered Lucas a choice between taking a bath or having a shower with mama. He chose the shower. We were stripping down and I gave him one of those delicious, naked skin hugs and covered his face with kisses. He laughed and I called him my baby son. I set him down to stand on the bathroom floor facing me. Lucas smiled and put his arms straight out to his sides with his fingers spread. He smiled and rocked straight-legged from one foot to the other.
“I’m a baby sun shining in the sky!” he said, and my heart melted.
“You’re the mommy sun,” he said. I called for Ian so he could hear and see how cute Lucas was.
“Is daddy the daddy sun?” I asked.
“No, daddy is the little dark rain cloud. I’m going to chase him away.”
October 9, 2005 at 1:31 pm
Ack! Too cute, but you better make sure he never gets hold of your peplos fibula when he’s older! Ouch!
October 9, 2005 at 5:00 pm
I love that story, Jocasta!