Boring Diet Stuff

Day 11. I’m down 9 or 10 pounds on Day 11. That’s some crazy progress. If that is correct and I’m not just crazy, then that means I have about 10 pounds to go to be at my dream weight.

I’m feeling better, both emotionally (see said progress) and physically. My cravings have evened out. My appetite has decreased. 

I’ve been eating well: eggs, roasted chicken, tri tip, steak, sauteed spinach, mountains of salad made interesting by the addition of red peppers, olives and cucumbers, sauteed chard, avocado, artichoke hearts, salmon with lemon dill sauce, small bits of cheese for snacks, coffee with splenda and heavy cream. I have herbal tea when I’m feeling munchy during the day or before bed. Sugar-free gum helps. Lots of sparkling and ice water and the occasional diet coke. We splurged on crab legs and grilled shrimp at Red Lobster last week. It was tough when the server brought the cheesy biscuits to our table, but the kids enjoyed them. I don’t know how to express this without sounding bitchy, but the truth is, my resolved was strengthened when I looked around the dining room and noticed how many of the Red Lobster guests were clearly very obese.

4 Responses to “Boring Diet Stuff”

  • tshuma
    December 12, 2007 at 12:39 am

    Progress feels so good, doesn’t it? I’m not doing Atkins, just WeightWatchers, but it’s a hard thing to start during the holidays, and I salute you for sticking to it. Everything I’ve heard about Atkins makes it seem as though those first two weeks are the hardest.

    I really don’t think it’s bitchy. It just seems to be a sad observation of what is becoming normal for the people in much of our country.


  • dakini_grl
    December 12, 2007 at 8:37 am

    Now that’s what I call rewarding! If you have to diet, hey, let’s make it a big number. So glad it’s going well.


  • sarabellae
    December 12, 2007 at 12:46 pm

    Yeah, the first two weeks of Atkins are really hard, although it’s getting easier. Dieting during the holiday season, especially when there are so many goodies and yummy soups and other comfort foods around is difficult and possibly not the smartest thing I’ve ever attempted. I just keep telling myself that I’m not letting all those goodies set me back that much farther!

    Good luck with Weight Watchers. I know a lot of people who have had good success on that program. I applaud your efforts. I am more of an instant-gratification princessy type. I have trouble being patient.

    Thank you for the support!


  • sarabellae
    December 12, 2007 at 12:50 pm

    Thanks, darling. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, right? Yes, seeing an almost instant payoff is making this possible for me. Also, this time, I have Ian’s help. He’s on board and is helping me stay true to my true, long-term desires for health and strength and not cave in to my short-term yearnings for goodies.

    This may sound gross, but you’ll get it. My ketostrip last night was the darkest possible color, indicating serious fat burning.


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