Busy. Exhausted. Need Vacation.

I’m so tired lately. Working too much for comfort. Magazine and guide work this week together amount to little down time. I should say no to some of these RUSH RUSH RUSH projects. Well, I do sometimes say no. But I said yes to one this week. It seemed prudent at the time since other guides I’m assigned to are either stalled out or haven’t started yet.

I’m hopeful that I’ll get some rest this weekend. We’re going up to the cabin for three days. I’ll be taking work with me, but should have a nice time with my family. A change of scenery and some fresh mountain air will do me good. I hope we can do some hiking. We plan on bringing a couple of bikes too. Lucas can ride in the cul-de-sac without our worrying about traffic.  

There is lots of packing to do tonight, and we’re tempted to attend a birthday party for

. We may not leave until Saturday morning. I wish there were more hours in the day and I really wish I could spend them sleeping.

One Response to “Busy. Exhausted. Need Vacation.”

  • dakini_grl
    October 5, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    Hear hear! Hooray for a change of scene, I’m so sorry it’s so busy. I had another document slung on my desk this afternoon, so I know how you feel… love you.


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