Catch Up
• Mom and Dad have been in Europe since the 8th. VoVo and DiDi are in Oaklahoma and left on the 19th. Neither set of babysitters…uh, grandparents… will return until July. Lame.
• Had 2 half days of work at Sacramento Magazine for shipout. It was fun to go and work in the world for a little while and be around other people.
• Went to a party at Jane’s new home in Sac. Saw old high school chums
• Lucas was off school for two weeks, but returned to do the Little Gate summer program starting on the 20th. Lucas’s behavior lately has been really challenging. I partly blame the schedule interruption for it. I also wonder if his aggressive behavior is partly from taking the prednisone and antibiotics? This is something I’m going to watch. It seems like anytime he get’s really sick (and takes medicine), he goes a little haywire. This time it’s hitting me and dad. Striking out at other kids, etc. All the most obnoxious stuff. One Sunday at the day care at church, a kid bit Lucas’s hand. He/she SHOWED Lucas that biting in anger can hurt other people. Since then, Lucas has bit me several times and probably Ian too. He’s had a LOT of time outs lately. He’s really testing his boundaries in a major way.
• For example, one day, June 6, RoRo took me to the Windmill Nursery to buy me plants for my birthday. (Actually, I took her and Lucas.) Lucas was so difficult—he ran away, he hit me, etc., that we really had a lousy time. I was having to spend so much of my attention on L that RoRo was kinda on her own, hobbling along pushing her shopping cart, which helps to keep her on her feet. Basically it was a disaster
• RoRo and Glen both had another birthday. For Glen, we took him to a concert at the Sacramento Zoo on the solstice (his actual birthday is the 23rd). Joe Craven was playing jazzy mandolin. It was fun and we got to roam the zoo after hours with Lucas. Lucas quietly appropriated the toys of the small boy named Everest sitting next to us on the lawn. His parents were cool, and the boys played together. Lucas got filthy. It was a good time.
RoRo’s birthday is on the summer solstice (21st). We were at the zoo that night, but we went to her party on Saturday the 25th. It was a typical family birthday party. Some were surly, some friendly. This time we got her a present that she might actually use: a lavender purse/handbag.
• On a positive note, Lucas’s imagination seems to have taken over. His toy trains have very elaborate dialogues, exciting adventures, and interpersonal problems and resolutions. It’s very interesting to listen to.
• Recent Lucas quotes:
—“I’m trillobananabun. That means I’m eating breakfast!”
—tonight, coming down a flight of stairs, he turns, goes back up and says, “I’m rescuing a kitten. She’s blue.” He gently cradled the kitten while coming downstairs.
• This month, Lucas has spent a lot more time with T at the Bs’ place. I’ve seen him picking up her mannerisms, sense of humor, love of the absurd, etc. Sometimes it’s even charming.
• X turned two on June 14th. We went to his birthday party on the 18th. We got him two books—Is Your Mama a Llama? and Freight Train.