Christmas Has Made an Impression

Christmas has made an impression on my little son. Usually at bedtime I sing to him about trains.

“Oh It’s Great to Be an Engine”
“Merrily We Roll Along”
“Down By the Station”
“I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”

In the spirit of the season, I’ve been singing him some traditional carols at bedtime for the last several nights. (The truth is Silent Night is one of my all-time favorite lullabies, and I don’t limit its use to Christmas time.) Tonight, Lucas said “I want more Jesus songs,” and rejected my attempts to sing about trains.

2 Responses to “Christmas Has Made an Impression”

  • parnasus
    December 30, 2005 at 3:25 am

    Awwe, how sweet, I love silent night too, when I was pregnant I sang it to The little Sun every night and for the first 7 months of his life too. Now I always sing it through advent until 12th night, and randomly as I feel Whelmed by the magic of having this little guy shining in my life, I just love him ever so much!! I’m pretty dammed fond of your little sun too 🙂


  • sarabellae
    December 30, 2005 at 2:08 pm

    Yes, Silent Night is a beautiful song. I often change one word when I sing it though: I change “Virgin” to “family” or to “father.”

    “…Round yon father, mother, and child
    Holy infant, so tender and mild…”

    And our boys are both glorious and perfect (especially when they’re half-asleep!) 😉


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