“Colic” Sucks

Poor Asher is having a hell of an evening! He’s been screaming his lungs out since about 5 p.m. This breaks my heart and hurts my eardrums and makes me desperate. The “colic” scream has a special make-your-ears-bleed shrieking quality to it. It’s hard when nothing in my repertoire helps him (nursing, singing, holding, diaper changes, carrying him in the sling, burping him, talking, dark rooms, walking outside, etc.).

Ian’s got him now and it sounds like Asher may have finally exhausted himself into oblivion.

One Response to ““Colic” Sucks”

  • amaniellen
    April 6, 2007 at 12:21 am

    augh. Sympathies to you and Ian (and poor Lucas!). Colic does have that awful, goddammit tone to it that vibrates your eardrums and makes you crazy.
    Good luck, may it pass quickly.


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