Come Home
I am more than ready for Ian to come home now. I don’t like being without my best friend, especially when I’m feeling inadequate to the tasks before me. He is my touchstone, my haven, my serenity.
I am more than ready for Ian to come home now. I don’t like being without my best friend, especially when I’m feeling inadequate to the tasks before me. He is my touchstone, my haven, my serenity.
March 13, 2009 at 7:49 pm
I can only imagine how hard it is, feeling in need of your best friend’s support, and having to keep up the brave and together mom face at the same time. I felt a tiny bit like that when B was in Europe during my dead week and final examinations last term, and I didn’t even have kidlings to care for.
*hug* I know it won’t pass quickly enough, but I hope it passes soon.