Dan Lungren Appreciates My Views on the War in Iraq

“I am deeply committed to returning sovereignty to the Iraqi people and consequently allowing our troops to return home as soon as possible. We must first ensure, however, that Iraqi security forces are able to adequately meet the needs of their country. We have trained more than 150,000 such security personnel, and Iraqi forces are now in charge of maintaining security in 12 of that country’s 18 provinces.

“Under the President’s leadership, the United States has contributed $24 billion for Iraq’s reconstruction. Food and electricity are being distributed throughout the country. USAID is providing support to the Ministry of Trade to deliver more than 480,000 tons of food each month. Nearly 2,500 schools have been renovated and over 32,000 secondary school teachers have been trained. Health care funding has increased 30-fold since Iraq was freed. More than 30 million doses of children’s vaccinations have been distributed. Over 1,200 primary health clinics and 240 Iraqi hospitals are in operation. Without the establishment of these core pieces of infrastructure, the Iraqi people will be underserved and the new government strained to provide for their needs.”

Great to hear it’s going so damned well, Dan.

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