Description of the Advent Spiral in a Waldorf Kindergarten

The Advent Garden

by Barbara Dewey

The season of Advent may be marked by the Advent Garden, created for the kindergarten and lower grades. Often held in late afternoon or in the early evening, the room will be dark and filled with a mood of wonder and quiet anticipation. Teachers lay out a large spiral path of evergreen boughs. In the center of the spiral they place a large white candle. Along the edges of the green spiral path they intersperse golden stars. The candle is lit. and stone crystals twinkle like stars on a dark night.

All is quiet. Each child in turn, holding a red apple with a small unlit candle inserted into it, slowly walks along the spiral path and lights the candle from the center light. On the return the child places the apple and candle on one of the golden stars. When all the children have had a turn, the garden path is aglow from all the smaller lights. In many Advent Gardens, lyre playing, where appropriate, helps to create a special mood. Sometimes the children and observing parents sing as the children proceed through the garden.

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