Diet/Exercise Update: Random Thoughts

So, I’ve been working out pretty steadily for almost two months. I’m back in the swing of things now (the first 3-4 weeks are always the hardest). I’ve made some room for exercise in my life. Today I hit the gym after I dropped L off at school and worked on the treadmill. I’m thinking of trying out one of the yoga DVDs that Kimkim lent to me, but I probably should work tonight instead—Blah. Tomorrow evening is yoga class; I’m looking forward to it because I didn’t go on Monday.

It’s time to step it up now, I think. Time to increase a couple of variables (duration, intensity) and see where that leads me. My friend H asked me if I wanted to do a triathlon with her in July. Sounds fantastic and terrifying, but honestly, I don’t think I’m ready for any such thing.

I indulged in carbs a few times lately, mostly related to my birthday. I can’t resist the naan at the Indian restaurant, so when I picked that establishment for my birthday dinner, I knew I’d be binging. The good news is twofold: 1) I enjoyed the food immensely, and 2) I did not instantly blimp up. I know I can just go back to eating low-carb and exercising and be fine. (I’m not always that calm and confident—sometimes I’m kind of panicky about losing my discipline. But today, I feel secure.)

I want to get my bike fixed up so I can go riding on the bike trails (I think I have a few friends who would be interested in going with me).

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