Emo Struggles

Ian’s back at work this week. At times that’s fine and other times it’s not. Today has been a very emotional day. I wonder if it’s the baby blues or if I’m just reeling from all that’s happened to me lately. Either way, I feel sucky and sad. My meds make me feel bad.

Dakini carted me around a bunch yesterday. She took me and Asher to a pediatrician appointment in the morning and then took us both to my ultrasound appointment and blood draw later in the day. I was glad for the company and happy I didn’t have to manage the baby and the carseat and the stuff all by myself. I’m getting stronger, but have little stamina or strength right now. All this bed rest has turned my muscles to mush. So, anyway, thank you, Dakini for the grocery run and the companionship!

Asher is three weeks old today. The pediatrician says he’s now 9 pounds, 4 ounces, which is good growth. Next time we see her, she’ll want to give him 6 different vaccines. I have to decide how I feel about that.

Today was quieter; no appointments to go to. NoNo came over in the morning to watch over us. She graciously cleaned my kitchen and living room and held me while I cried. Thanks, NoNo.

I’m such a basketcase. I’m afraid a lot.

One Response to “Emo Struggles”

  • dakini_grl
    February 22, 2007 at 12:40 am

    I know this will sound silly, but after feeling so helpless during your illness it was such a pleasure to be there with you yesterday and help *do* something. And it was luxury for me to spend a day with a girlfriend. I don’t get to do that with you very often.

    It’s a difficult time my dear. You have every right to your feelings right now. You’ve got a lot of healing to do. Sending love and warm shelter and that place in my heart.


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