Evening Rides and Playa Prep
We’ve been practicing! Ian, Lucas, and I have been taking occasional evening bike rides after dinner. Lucas is a wiz on his tagalong bike now. (The tagalong is kind of like a tandem bike for one big person in front and one small person in back.) Lucas loves going downhill as fast as possible, and he pedals like a madman no matter how quickly they speed along. When Ian’s coasting, Lucas is pedaling. He even helps on the uphill climbs. Ian says the balance shifts based on Lucas’s movement and that’s a little weird, but they both seem to have the hang of it. We got Lucas a new bike helmet that has little cartoon dinosaurs and cavemen on it. He wears it religiously and without argument, for which I’m very grateful! So, except for the fact that my 3-speed clunker only has one speed (3rd gear—not my first choice for neighborhood hills), we are ready for the playa!
* We are borrowing a pair of walkie-talkies and a generator from Ian’s stepfather.
* Thanks to X’s growing feet, we have an extra pair of boots for Lucas to wear on the playa.
* I have a new pair of maternity shorts, and a handful of old sarongs: This may be the extent of my playawear & costumery this year.
* Ian figured out our shade structure configuration.
* My dad’s trailer should be here for our packing this weekend.
* There’s plenty of el-wire in the garage, but not plenty of time in which to make something el-wirey. Ian has hopes of making something, nonetheless.
Poor Ian has to write a paper and take a final this week.
Step-by-step, little-by-little, we inch toward our departure for Black Rock City at 3 a.m. on Monday morning.