Fiji Sounds Nice

My parents are in Fiji right now, enjoying their 40th anniversary vacation. Yes, on August 10th my folks will have been married for 40 years. After a week in Fiji, they’ll head over to Australia for two weeks. They like it there a lot; I think this will be their third trip to Australia. They say the people are just so, so friendly and it’s kind of like America was about 50 years ago in some respects.

I just got an email from my mom, via Dad’s office. This never happens when they’re traveling, so it’s kind of a treat. Usually they leave for three weeks and I don’t hear a word from them until they call three days before coming home. It sounds like they’re having a great time.


Hi, from Fiji
Bill’s been on his second dive. Went to the Fish Factory again, says he saw “millions” of fish. The soft coral here is amazing, a myriad of colors, many irridescent.
I spent the morning being bone lazy and reading, part of it in the hammock which I sucessfully entered AND exited.
We have an outdoor shower (with hot water no less) and a jacuzzi.
The stars at night are amazing. I’d forgotten how many starts really should be visible. Here we see thousands, and parts of the Milky Way cloud. It’s very quiet here–hot in the sun, cool in the shade. With a breeze–like we have now–it’s perfect.
Flowers galore–bougainvilla, hibiscus (hedges over 6 feet tall), banana, coconut palms everywhere, croton in many colors. The beach is a five minute walk, nice white sand w/ chaise longues in the shade.
The food is wonderful.
The water temperature is about 78, I think. I jumped in from the boat, if you can believe it.
Last night was Fijian night–singing and dancing. Bill was roped in to dancing and since it was just forward 4 steps and back 4 steps, he didn’t disgrace himself. Neither did I.

Please forward to Sara.
Hope everything’s fine there.
Bill & Syd 


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