
Shit! I have $64.00 in library fines because I got sick and totally forgot I had books checked out! I can’t renew online because I’ve exceeded maximum level of sucky patronage allowed and must hang my head in shame and pay for my sins in person. $64.00! Goddamn!

EDIT: Went to the library today. It turns out that the max they will fine you on any single book is $5 (their website lies). I had two overdue books out, and some assorted tiny fines on some of Lucas’s books that were turned in late. Total damage = $14.60 I very happily payed the fine. They even let me renew them so I can finish reading them.

2 Responses to “Fines”

  • joygantic
    March 22, 2007 at 9:34 pm

    I knew you were a freak, now I’ll have to add “felon!”


  • gypsy_ritsa
    March 22, 2007 at 9:34 pm

    I always forget to return my library books. I never really mind paying the fees because I know how horribly underfunded our libraries are, and I sort of consider it a non-tax-write-off-able charitable donation.


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