First Lie
Lucas told his first-ever on-purpose lie this morning. He told me when I got up that Daddy had already fed him his tofu and that he was ready for his cereal. (We have a rule about eating protein first, then cereal or other carb item–otherwise he won’t eat his protein because he fills up on cereal.) Daddy had already gone to work and I was fuzzy-headed from multiple night Asher feedings. I gave Lucas cereal before I noticed certain clues pointing to the fib: Daddy hadn’t made coffee, there was no tofu-with-soy-sauce dish in the sink, the tofu in the fridge looked to be the same size as yesterday when I put it there. Ah-ha! No breakfast was made or consumed before I woke up.
Lucas maintained his lie when I asked him about it. Then I called Daddy on the phone. Lucas erupted in tears while I talked to Ian. We parents are united and collaborative.
A peaceful time out and tofu eating followed. No animals or small children were harmed in the learning of this lesson.
April 5, 2007 at 11:06 am
That cereal must be good.
April 5, 2007 at 11:19 am
I blame the tofu.
April 5, 2007 at 11:23 am
Wow. The whole lesson of “If I say it, it’s true” gets tested again and again. Amazing.
April 5, 2007 at 11:54 am
If only Barbara Bush had parented with such composure . . .