Four Weeks Old

Asher is now four weeks old today. Crazy how the time has both dragged and flown by. I’ve had a lot on my mind and a lot going on in my body.

Asher is fuller now. All that formula is rounding him out. He has chubby cheeks now and gorgeous dark blue eyes. I wonder if they’ll change to brown or be like his daddy’s and brother’s eyes. We’ll have to wait several months to find out. Asher’s hair is lighter than Lucas’s was at this age, although it’s fairly similar to Lucas’s hair color now.

Last night was tough because Asher was awake from about 2 to 4:15 a.m. Today he and I bravely ventured into the sunny, crisp world today to go to a doctor’s appointment. I managed him by myself, but it wasn’t easy. He’s heavy and awkward to carry in that carseat. He doesn’t like it at all.

Health Aside: Doctor Chen says I’m definitely getting better. My white count is back to normal now. No fevers. Uterine tenderness is almost completely gone. She wants to hear what the OB says about the ultrasound and she wants me to have another CT scan in 2-3 weeks to see if that fluid has been reabsorbed. In general, she’s very happy with how I’m doing now compared to two weeks ago, when I was “sick as heck.”

Thaemos surprised us by joining us for lunch today. He helped by schlepping the littlest Wilson to the Red Rose Kindergarten class so we could pick up Lucas, then we all went to lunch at Carmelita’s. It was a perfectly wonderful surprise and very helpful to boot. Asher slept through the meal. Lucas gobbled a bean and cheese burrito, and it was fun.

It’s tricky to manage Lucas and Asher by myself as I did this afternoon. Lucas desperately wants my attention at all times. He’s still struggling with adjusting to a new baby in the house and still coping with feelings related to my disappearing to go to the hospital and my slow recovery. He’s a giant ball of energy in constant motion. When I’m not feeling well, I have little to no patience for his antics. He makes so much noise. He talks back. He puts on a tough-guy attitude and wants to fight/wrestle/play “army”/stomp/run/crash etc. It’s exhausting to me. His love for his baby brother is exuberant and a little too rough, a little too germy, a little too loud. Lucas is dealing with the fact that I’m not able to pay attention to him in the same way I always have. I try to find ways to give him special attention. Lately, I’ve been helping him get ready for bed more, reading stories, etc. If he calls out in the night, I try to go to him myself instead of sending daddy. Fortunately, he still says that cuddles with me before bed are still his favorite time of day.

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