Funny Lucasisms

“Uncle Jon’s Hat” (21 months in Hawaii. First three word phrase)
“Do you want to …?” (meaning, will you please?) ex. “Do you want to play with me?” “Do you want to hold me?”

“What you said?” (meaning what did you say?) 2-2.5 years old
“The point is … ”
“Maybe Santa Claus will bring me Anna and Clarabel for Christmas!” 2.5 years old, Nov 2004
“Lucas big tookas” (first mentioned Nov 19, 2004—haven’t heard it since, though.)
“Okie Dokie Artichoky Mommy/Daddy”

Nov/Dec 04 started using “excuse me” appropriately when interrupting or approaching an adult with a question.

Lucas likes “funny” words, and exclaims “That’s a funny word!” whenever he hears one. This began around his second birthday. Here are some of the funniest words:

1. codswallop (introduced by Grandma Sydney. Probably his favorite)
2. snagglepuss (introduced by Suzi)
3. fandango (introduced by a book and song around the same time–September 04)
4. bonzai (introduced by mom)
5. caterwaul (introduced by mom)
6. skedaddle
7. suspicious (introduced by Grandma Sydney)
8. balderdash (introduced by Grandma Sydney.
9. namby-pamby
10. willy-nilly
11. mishmash (introduced by mom)
12. flibbertygibbet (introduced by Grandma Sydney)
13. scuttle (Lucas came up with this one himself)
14. gaddywampus ? (introduced by Mario)
15. bamboozle
16. periwinkle
17. pumpernickel
18. froufrou
19. gesundeit
20. ridiculous
21. hilarious
22. persnikey
23. loquacious (introduced by VoVo on 1.3.05)

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