Garden Blog for Me and Dakini

This lady, Angela Pratt, was featured in Sac mag. I think I might meander over to her gardening blog periodically. I have often wanted to find a gardening guide/how to book that was called Sara Wilson! Buy This Book About Gardening in Sacramento! As I haven’t yet found that book for sale anywhere and I hate reading the newspaper, perhaps Angela Pratt’s gardening blog will fit the bill. She’s also a professional macro photographer, and I love macro images of plants and flowers (and take not a few such photos myself).

3 Responses to “Garden Blog for Me and Dakini”

  • amaniellen
    December 26, 2007 at 8:37 pm

    I highly recommend and, surprisingly, Sunset Magazine (also The latter, when you subscribe, sends you a whole magazine dedicated to gardening in your zone, with ideas and recommendations abound. I love it.
    It’s so nice to think about gardening in January.


  • dakini_grl
    December 27, 2007 at 12:25 am

    I also highly recommend Sunset’s gardening book. It’s a treasury of information easily sorted by your growing zone, along with great troubleshooting and how-to stuff. Yep.


  • sarabellae
    December 27, 2007 at 12:47 pm

    Yeah, I get Sunset and I love it. Usually I wistfully flip through the pages, read what I want, and then don’t do anything. 😉

    I’m thinking about planting a couple of fruit trees, but more research is needed.


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