Glorious Sunshine
I should be working. That’s pretty much all I’ve been doing for the last several days now. I’m pushing hard to meet a deadline.
But, as you can see, it’s a damn fine day outside! The sun is out!
After all the rain we’ve had over the last several weeks, including freezing winds and hail, these signs of spring are so welcome to my winter-and-computer-sore eyes.
My yard is full of contradiction right now. There is vast devastation from the record rainfall—well, that’s probably too dramatic. What I mean is there are large areas in my yard that flooded, so they are mucky and muddy, with displaced planter bark everywhere it shouldn’t be. Many of my plants look like hell still, from winter freezes.
And yet, there are spots like these that are regrowing, emerging, blooming, and declaring yes, indeed. Spring is here!
It may be tentative. It may be tender and vulnerable. But it is tenacious. And I feel heartened.