Good Job

Despite Asher being sick today, I managed to work 6 hours and 42 minutes. That’s nothing short of a miracle, considering how crappy he felt and how he really doesn’t like me to get anywhere near my computer—unless it’s to show him "manamana" or "Elmo’s Song" clips on YouTube. (Makes me happy I have two monitors. I can sometimes show him clips of Sesame Street songs while I work on the other monitor.)

Much thanks to:
Tina for picking Lucas up from school and taking care of him till 5.
Jeff for being available via IM for my questions about Perl and hashing and stale references and the wacky writing in this book.
My mom for picking up Asher after work and taking him to her house for two hours this afternoon, despite risk of infection.
Ian for cooking dinner AGAIN and making me medicinal drinks for my nerves!
Lucas for being a cool kid today and pretty damned easy.
Carrie for the pep talk she gave me.

It takes a village.

If Asher is still feverish tomorrow, I’ll call the Dr. It’s possible his ear infection has returned. Or not. Perhaps we’ll get to see her a fourth time this month!

Today I was able to put Asher down for a nap without nursing him. This kind of thing happens rarely, such as when we’re out and about and he falls asleep in the car. But until today it had never happened while we were home alone and ready for nap. I credit this in part to his being sick and unable to put up much of a fight for milk. But also, the last two days have passed without milk at nap time because Ian had Asher away from me and home in the middle of the day. I’m going to try to go with it this week. If it works, he’ll be down to a single bedtime nursing session. He actually passed out this evening without that one, too. So it’s been 24 hours now since he had mama milk. Weaning is afoot. I’ll probably write more about this, as I have my usual plethora of mixed feelings. Right now, I am just too tired and must hit the hay.

Good night, Interwaves.

2 Responses to “Good Job”

  • lunagirl35
    March 24, 2009 at 10:07 am

    Yeah for you asking for and receiving help!


  • dakini_grl
    March 24, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Oh honey. My heart goes out to you. This is like, week 10 of everybody being sick, isn’t it? Maybe it does take a village. I’m sure glad you have one on days like this. And how you do it, I’m not always sure.

    Hope you got some rest.


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    Thanks for visiting! I’m Sara, editor and writer, wife to Ian, and mother of two precious boys. I am living each day to the fullest and with as much grace, creativity, and patience as I can muster. This is where I write about living, loving, and engaging fully in family life and the world around me. I let my hair down here. I learn new skills here. I strive to be a better human being here. And I tell the truth.

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