Halloween 2008
I was more than a little preoccupied with my father’s condition this year to give the usual amount of attention to Halloween. What’s more, despite that I take upwards of 500 photos every month and have two camera batteries, my camera battery died and I couldn’t find the spare on Halloween! Of all the days to not be able to photograph my boys! (Fortunately, my sister-in-law saved the day.)
Lucas is the Green Lantern! Asher is wearing a too-small dino costume Grandma had.
I did manage to buy tickets in time for the Sacramento Waldorf School’s Pumpkin Path (which I’ve written about in past years), where we enjoyed plays and stories and got little treasures at every station. We were able to visit with our dear friends, Snow, Sun, and
Prior to going to the Pumpkin Path, I threw together an impromptu Halloween dinner in an hour with what we had in the house: pumpkin-shaped and ghost-shaped grilled-cheese sandwiches, carrots, hearts of palm (leg bones, ya know), and tiny orange bell pepper jack-o’-lanterns, and monster brain soup (spilt pea from a can). That, plus the orange tablecloth, black dishes, dish full of acorns and a candle, Ian and Lucas’s creepy dingle-ball spiders, fall leaves, and a couple of gargoyle figurines, made for a festive table. "What is it REALLY, mom? It’s not a leg bone. Or monster brains. What is it really?"
Grandma, Aunt Kellie, and Kellie’s boyfriend, Matt, joined us for some trick-or-treating after we returned home from the Pumpkin Path. Grandma brought Tolly, her black Portuguese Water Dog, dressed as a skunk. I’m grateful that Kellie brought a camera!
The boys liked playing with Ian’s groovy light toys. Green Lantern got to wear a bunch of green glow bracelets.
We combed the neighborhood for houses with Halloween decorations out front. Kellie was dressed as a giant bottle of mustard. I dunno. Matt’s head was blue: He was "dressed" as a member of the Blue Man Group. Lucas’s stamina for trick-or-treating this year was much improved over last year, and we went all over the place. Surprisingly, Asher did not conk out in his stroller, but insisted on trudging along with us the whole time. We wore out the relatives before the boys were done. Lucas carried the only candy bucket, but the neighbors gave more than enough for Asher, too. We met up with Snow, Sun, and Parnasus again for a little while during our neighborhood romp.
It was much harder getting Lucas to give up some of his candy loot to the Halloween Fairy this year. But he did eventually cull some out, and in return, he and Asher got some goodies: a Halloween activity book, a book of stories for 6-year-olds, a wooden dinosaur puzzle, articulated wooden snakes, and needle-felted pumpkins with crystals inside them.
It turned out to be a very good time, after all.
November 9, 2008 at 12:48 pm
It’s one of the things I miss about not having a little one. Did you take pictures of you Halloween dinner? The grilled cheese ghosts sound do cute!
November 9, 2008 at 10:01 pm
Alas, I have no pictures of the table and food. But it was pretty spooooooky.
November 9, 2008 at 11:26 pm
Agh! The cuteon levels in these photos are dangerous! You should warn us to put on eye protection first. đŸ˜‰ xo
November 10, 2008 at 11:44 pm
I don’t know much about comics but isn’t there a thing about the Green Lantern having the color yellow as his one weakness? Oh no, I must warn him before it is too late!
“Lucas! Watch out for that adorable dinosaur with the yellow chest!”
(I think Jason has rubbed off on me…)
November 19, 2008 at 11:37 am
Yes, Green Lantern must avoid yellow because it weakens him. But Lucas has this figured out—he tinkered with his green power ring and modified it so that yellow is no longer a threat to his powers.
He is such an engineer.