Happy Birthday to a Rockin’ Renaissance Man

Dearest Thaemos,

Happy birthday, my friend! You are more fun, more energetic, more brilliant, more intense, more charming, more courageous, more inventive, more dynamic, more powerful, more generous, more savvy, more idealistic, more honest, and more sensitive than any one human has a right to be. You burn so, so bright in my life. I cherish the (18) years I have known you and been your friend. I hope many years from now, when we’re wrinkled, gray, and rheumatic,  to be sitting on the same font stoop together, rocking in rockers, drinking whiskey neat, and planning our next big ritual / art car / political coup / gallery opening / planned community / Fortune 500 company / shrine / robotic slave manufacturing plant / chemical adventure / masquerade ball / orgy. I love you in all your myriad incarnations and unrelenting glory.


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