Happy Birthday to the Delectable Dakini_Grl
Oh, my dearest! Happy birthday! You are a treasure in my life. Thank you for your boundless compassion, unwavering love and support, ingenuity, clever wit, gentle touch, passion, and calm presence. You are a true friend, and I thank all the gods that brought you into my family. I’d love to wrap you in furs and pour gorgeous champagne for you all day. I’d love to set the soundtrack of your life to play all of and only your favorite songs. I give you my loving, loyal friendship forever. I hope your birthday has been spectacular!
Love and kisses,
November 25, 2008 at 11:04 am
Napa seemed like it was all dressed up special for the day! Thanks so much for all the warm love and listening. Lady, I am so lucky to know you. I love you.