Hell Hath Frozen Over
After many long years of gathering dust, The Notorious Rug Project has been worked. Not finished, mind you. Just worked. For the first time in … um … approximately six and a half years. Yesterday was about waiting and worrying, so I dusted off my yarn, unstuck some stuck parts of my c. 1930s, 8-harness Gilmore loom, pulled out the new 28-inch shuttle I bought myself last September in Solvang, and started weaving. I wove 20 inches of The Rug.
It had been so long, I forgot how much I love the chunk-CHUNK sound of pulling back the beater, and the clatter of the metal heddles as the shafts go up and down. This is the noise that woke my sleeping infants; these, the clunky-pinchy moving parts that threatened their curious fingers. And while the boys were both curious about what the heck I was doing, and Lucas desperately wanted to help me weave and quickly learned how to load my shuttle for me, they mostly just played beside me while I worked. Ahhh … Now that is finally what I envisioned all those years ago!