Here’s Hopin’
This post is going to my closest friends only.
Today I had my third pelvic ultrasound (TVS, or transvaginal sonogram) since Asher’s birth. This was to follow up on an ovarian cyst they found during the last ultrasound. We’re hoping it is now gone, which is something cysts do: they appear and go away and only rarely are detected. Most ovarian cysts are nothing to worry about. Some are cancer.
Pelvic ultrasounds are not too bad, although the techs make you drink tons of water and don’t let you go pee until after the ultrasound is done. The tech also sticks a wand up your coochie and wiggles it around while you stare at the accoustic ceiling tiles. She doesn’t even give you her name, so it’s very impersonal. At least you usually know your OB/GYN’s name. Anyway, the procedure took just fifteen minutes or so.
Tomorrow I have to go to a lab and have some more blood drawn. This time they’re going to test for a particular marker (CA-125) that detects cancer. Fun, fun.
So here’s hoping they don’t find anything at all!
May 31, 2007 at 6:44 pm
I promise to always tell you my name before I wiggle my wand in your direction.
May 31, 2007 at 10:56 pm
Thank you. You have much nicer manners than that tech does.
May 31, 2007 at 10:56 pm
Ooops. This is Sarabella, not Dizzyburner.