(I Think FCL Coined the Term …)

Happy Humpaversary, my love, my stallion! 

18 years of You + Me (still)  = Sexy Hot Lovin X Bazilliomilliotrillion

I love you.

4 Responses to “(I Think FCL Coined the Term …)”

  • childofeos
    August 11, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    WOW – that’s a long time to be together with your love!! It really gives a girl hope for her future marriage.

    (No ring yet but we’re laying down a budget & guest list already.)

    And speaking of the two of you…

    Last night I had a dream that Mr. C & I were hanging out in someone’s home, sitting on comfy white cotton couches and chatting pleasantly with you and your Hubby. Children kept on running up to you for a kiss or a hug and bringing you flowers – sometimes your boys, sometimes little girls I have not seen before. Your Hubby kept pouring us wine (and Mr. C grape juice – he’s dry) and it felt like home there. The light was soft. The walls a gentle linen look with a super-light blue/grey undertone to them, the wood on the huge square circa ’60’s door frames (usually opening up the wall to the width of 3 normal door frames) were a warm maple tan. We were all laughing. People happily milled in and out of the rooms, happily chatting amongst themselves. The smell of a savory lamb stew was wafting in from the kitchen, in the next room over.

    The feeling of warmth and home has lasted with me (so far) all of today…


  • kittiliscious
    August 11, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    Awww. Hotness!


  • sarabellae
    August 12, 2008 at 12:36 am

    What a nice dream! Thanks for telling me about it.


  • sundayhangover
    August 12, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    Thank goodness for you both! Much happiness for eva and eva and eva…..*muah*


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