Ian Is Less Wise Now
Don’t ask me why he only had three. We’re all supposed to have four. Not Ian. He’s quirky that way, I guess.
Today, Ian had his wisdom teeth extracted by an oral surgeon. No food or liquid before the surgery, which at first was OK because he was supposed to go under at 11:45 a.m. They bumped him to 1:45 p.m., though, and by the time we were getting into the car to drive to the appointment, he was pretty hungry.
Then the valium kicked in.
Then he was floatymellow.
What’s amazing to me is how little time it took them to cut open his gums and saw out his teeth. (Eew!) We were literally out of there in under an hour. Maybe because they had to remove only three teeth.
Seriously, I went out to my car to text some friends (cuz my phone’s battery was dead, of course) and when I got back I only waited about 10 minutes before they told me he was finished and coming around and I should go get the car. The surgeon can hack out three teeth faster than I can text three sentences!
Fortunately, the Percocet they gave him for the pain is doing its job. He’s a little woozy, but able to talk now that we have removed all the cotton gauze from his mouth. He has eaten soft foods like yogurt, chicken-noodle soup, chili, and jello pudding. (Perhaps this is his opportunity to enjoy nothing but prefab foods for a day or two.)
He is dopey enough to tell both me and his mother what a great nurse I am. "My wife is just so great. She’s taking such good care of me."
To which, I replied. "This was easy. And won’t we be lucky if this is the most serious nursing either of us ever has to do for the other in our marriage? I mean, I’d be very happy to skip that whole colostomy bag thing, if it’s all just the same."
P.S. I love him to pieces and I hope he feels better soon!
July 1, 2009 at 1:58 am
Please pass on my wishes for a speedy and pain-free recovery.
July 1, 2009 at 2:28 am
I only had 3 wisdom teeth. AND I let them pull one of my molars with the promise that it would be replaced with a shiny new Wisdom tooth and that was the one that never came in. Wacky.
I hope he heals quickly. Lots of love to both of you XOXOXOXO
July 1, 2009 at 11:53 am
Glad to hear it went well. I do hope this is the most serious your nursing ever has to be.
July 1, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Brian has exactly the same reaction to anesthetic/painkillers and nursing. Also add to that list: alcohol. He gets really sappy and affectionate and very very appreciative and when I brought him home from the dentist after getting his wisdom teeth out a couple of years ago, he started telling me how he wanted to marry me, etc., but he knew I wasn’t ready to think about that yet and he didn’t want to scare me off but it was definitely on his list. I blame the Beatles partially for that. He was doing fine in the car trying not to be ill until their “When I’m 64” came on the radio, then he got all emotional, and then I was trying not to hyperventilate and keep driving us home safely.
So when I read Ian being all gushy and appreciative over you, it made me smile all over again.
I hope he heals quickly and feels better soon.
July 1, 2009 at 3:34 pm
Happy healing to Ianz! And yes, my grandmother had to clean my grandfathers colostomy bag(seriously!)…and that was no fun for her I can tell ya:(
Much love to you guys!